Sunday, October 19, 2008


In a city that is on the seashore with beautiful beaches.
The city council struggles to maintain the beauty of the city by planting many trees and flowers
Toledo is in one the city with very good arrangement of streets and buildings.
The city is also rich in historical buildings from collonial era. Most of them still have the same shape from its history. This is the bus stop, about 3km from schools location.
The former regional educational Officer , Mr Haraba(right) with Mr Madiga, a Muheza District education officer.
Local public transport is all day long available for shunting withini the city or in its saburbs.

Headmistress( left) of St. Christine secondary school, Mrs Makundi A.
There is an organization of head of schools in our region, and these are some of the organizations leaders, Mr Kihiyo (the learned), Mr Majoya and Mr Walter Musa(behind).

City education officer(centre) Mr Mvugalo

Tanga is full of bicyclesand motercycles, this accident, involved a motorcycle.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


The out-going Head Boy, delivering an appreciation speech to school community, after the election.
The announcing of the Student's government results.

Had to stand up when their names were announced as prefects.

The school baraza had the chance/opportunity to ask general question to school administration on matters related to school development.

A NEW SCHOOL HEAD PREFECT( HEAD BOY), thanking other students for trust they have for him and elected him as their leader.
Rachel Dove, one of the school teacher but from Toledo city, USA, was also there to attend the occation Teaching staff who attended the occasion!!

Out -going head boy about to present authority to a new government.
The two ''school boses'', old and new coming.
Handing over of official documnets from old student's government to new one.

Mr. Hashim Tafawa, Mr. Fredrick Lubagulila and Madam Zawadi Ponera, some of the teachers.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Ratiba ya michezo -jamhuri ya muungano tanzania
[Shule zote za Msingi na Sekondari ziwe zimefungwa] -Wadhamini Benki zote, Tiggo, Vodacom na wauzaji petroli wote nchini.

DESEMBA [2008] Mashindano ya kupata mabingwa wa TARAFA katika michezo yote itakayochaguliwa. Wadhamini NSSF, PPF, Vyombo vyote vya habari, Zain na Zantel.

JANUARI [2009] Mashindano ya kupata mabingwa wa WILAYA katika michezo yote. Wadhamini Vyombo vyote vya uchukuzi reli na barabara, polisi wa usalama barabarani na sekta ndogo binafsi yote.

FEBRUARI [2009] Mashindano ya kupata mabingwa wa MKOA katika michezo yote. Wadhamini Mashirika yote ya Ndege, Machimbo ya Dhahabu na Almasi na Tanzanite na kadhalika.

MACHI [2009] Mashindano ya kupata mabingwa wa TAIFA katika michezo yote. Mdhamini -SERIKALI KUU: MFUKO WA MAENDELEO YA MICHEZO TANZANIA [MFUMAMITA]

APRILI-JUNI [2009] MAPUMZIKO na mazoezi binafsi kwa wanamichezo wote Tanzania pamoja na kushiriki shughuli za uzalishaji mbali kwenye maeneo yao. Mdhamini mkuu ni SERIKALI KUU: MFUKO WA MAENDELEO YA MICHEZO TANZANIA [MFUMAMITA]

JULAI-AGOSTI [2009] Mazoezi ya Nguvu na Maandalizi na uboreshaji wa mabingwa kufikia viwango vya kimataifa pamoja na ushiriki katika michezo ya majaribio ndani na nje.Wadhamini ni SERIKALI KUU: MFUKO WA MAENDELEO YA MICHEZO TANZANIA [MFUMAMITA]

AGOSTI-OKTOBA [2009] USHIRIKI mashindano mbalimbali nchini, Afrika na ulimwenguni kote. WADHAMINI: ORGANIZERS wa michezo hiyo kote waliko! *SERIKALI KUU: MFUKO WA MAENDELEO YA MICHEZO TANZANIA [MFUMAMITA]
- Mfuko huu utashibishwa na shilingi 10 toka makusanyo yote kwenye vituo vya ndege, mabasi na meli; Shilingi 10 toka kila lita ya peteroli na dizeli; shiligni 10 kutoka kwenye kila nauli ya daladala; pamoja na shilingi milioni 200 toka kila kampuni ya simu na migodi ya dhahabu, almasi na tanzanite nchini. [DONE] NOTE: Ratiba hii itakuwa ikijirudia vivyo hivyo kila mwaka!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Clerical works may become very tiresome, but with the use of computer, the works becomes well organised, simplified and less stressful.
The bike park. Plans are underway to build a better students' bike park where the bikes are going to be under good shade.
The school grounds have sand soils, but production committee are changing it to be productive and plant vegetables as seen here.
The production is hard, here students are plucking out a log.
Maintainance teacher counting new desks and chairs for students which have just been bought by the school.
Sometimes teachers become very busy in the staff as they prepare lessons. Here madam Riziki Mhando, a TP teacher from DUCE university busy preparing her lessons.